...for classes in Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, Felting and more
Classes are held at 17 Cavell Ave Rhodes SYDNEY  (near Ryde)...ph 9736 1501
Shop Open: Thursday & Saturday 10-4

A note to all students.... If you would like to join us, please submit an 'intention to attend' form (by clicking the 'HERE' link, below) so we may allocate the equipment to you for the session...

Spinning Classes 

Spinning classes are held
on Saturdays ..... Dates available are shown below ...

11.30am to 1.30pm (Beginners with 4 classes or less)

1.45pm to 3.45pm (for Intermediate and Advanced)

Let Linda show you how to.... (not all in your first class!!)
  • spin from sliver
  • select suitable fleece for spinning
  • initially prepare it
  • use a flicker and handcarders
  • make rolags
  • use a boardcarder and drumcarder
  • spin worsted and woollen yarns
  • spin silk, alpaca, mohair, angora, dog and more
  • make blends of fibres
  • spin singles, 2-ply, slub, boucle and lots more
and if you don't have a wheel, Linda will give you pointers in what to look for in your search for one, either new or pre-loved. You are more than welcome to use one of ours whilst attending classes. Classes are 'casual', with no block sessions so you can come any Saturday that you can make it and pick up from where you were last time!

Cost .... $22 for the 2 hours - Beginners
and includes the use of an Ashford spinning wheel, fibres and all necessary equipment for the 2 hours
...and sometimes, for a change, the group decides to do something different...like a dyeing or a felting day.

Wool & Fibre Spinning Class dates....

Beginners - 4 classes or less - 11.30am
March 7 2020 - NO classes
Intermediate & Advanced - 1.45pm

March 7 2020 - NO classes
Interested in coming along to a class? 72+ hours notice preferable ...
Please click HERE to book in / give us some details...
Please.... ONLY book in for a date that is shown above; these are amended on a regular basis
Wish to check you are in the class .. as confirmations are not sent ... please click HERE

Weaving Classes - Rigid Heddle
Introduction to Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom

A note to all students.... please advise us you are coming, please submit an 'intention to attend' form (by clicking the 'HERE' link, below) so we may allocate the equipment to you for the session...
Let Linda or Peter show you the basics of weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom. 

Held on a Saturday morning  from 10.30am to 12.30 (or stay til finished!)

This is a 'one-off' session to introduce students to the process of weaving. There is NO "second session". Once completed, students often decide to complete further projects on their own on a rigid heddle loom they have acquired or come to the "Special Weaving Class" .... (or indeed move to a 4-shaft table loom where the possibilities of weave patterns are greatly increased, for which classes are only held on a Thursday morning). 

Cost.... $22 for the 2 hours
One price, One class!

and includes the use of a Rigid Heddle Loom supplied for the 2 hours....

Steps include....

  • select a concept for your project
  • calculate yarn requirements
  • winding the warp onto the loom - directly with rigid heddle looms
  • threading the heddle and dressing the loom
  • weaving techniques
  • finishing the ends and removing the piece
  • finishing the item -washing, fulling etc.
                         Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving Class dates....
March 7 2020 - NO classes
A one-off class to get you going!

Bring 100gms of your own 8 or 12ply yarn - or purchase 8ply instore for $8.00

Interested in coming along to a class?  
72+ hours notice preferable ...
Please click HERE to book in / give us some details...
Please.... ONLY book in for a date that is shown above; these are amended on a regular basis

Wish to check you are in the class .. as confirmations are not sent ...
please click HERE

Weaving Classes - Inkle
Introduction to Weaving on an Inkle Loom

A note to all students.... please advise us you are coming, please submit an 'intention to attend' form (by clicking the 'HERE' link, below) so we may allocate the equipment to you for the session...  
Let Linda or Peter show you the basics of weaving on an Inkle Loom. 

Held on a Saturday morning  from 10.30am to 12.30pm

This is a ONE OFF session to introduce students to the process of inkle weaving. 

You will weave a bookmark  or 2

Cost.... $22 for the 2 hours (pre payment not available)

and includes the use of an Inkle Loom and yarn (or bring your own 8/2 cotton of your colour choice)....

             Steps include....

  • select a concept for your project
  • calculate yarn requirements
  • making the heddles
  • winding the warp onto the loom - directly with an inkle loom
  • threading the heddles and dressing the loom
  • weaving techniques
  • removing the piece. finishing the ends
  • finishing the item -washing, fulling etc.
Inkle Loom Weaving Class dates....
          A one-off class to get you going!

Bring 50gms of your own 8/2 cotton or similar yarn

Interested in coming along to a class?  
72+ hours notice preferable ...
Please click HERE to book in / give us some details...
Please.... ONLY book in for a date that is shown above; these are amended on a regular basis
Wish to check you are in the class .. as confirmations are not sent ...
please click HERE

Special Weaving Class ....
Learn the Next Step on your Rigid Heddle Loom

A note to all students.... please ... to advise us of your interest in attending this class, prior to a date being shown, please submit an 'intention to attend' form by clicking  'HERE' (leave the date blank)  so we may build a list of interested persons! ...  When we have some names, Linda will contact you and advise possible dates, which will also be shown here ... Thanks

Let Linda show you the basics of finger manipulated weaves, pick-up, lace etc on your Rigid Heddle Loom. 

Next Class Date ...

TBA - check back here

This is a 'one-off Special Session" for students to expand on the creativity of their own rigid heddle loom.

Students must bring their own rigid heddle loom for this session. Book early and Linda will send you the requirements for this session, You will need to bring your own loom, ready warped ...

Cost.... $24 for the 2 hours

Weaving - Introduction to Weaving on a 4-shaft Loom

Cost... $30 for the class
Students will need their own table loom for these sessions....
Held on a Thursday  10.30am to 1.00pm - by arrangement
BRING your own loom and warping board

 pre-booked students ONLY

Interested in coming along to a class? 72+ hours notice preferable ...
Please click HERE to book in / give us some details...
Wish to check you are in the class .. please click HERE

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