to add your
items to
Petlins Gallery of ....
Pre-loved items....
really is easy....
- choose
an item you
wish to sell
- take
a digital photo
- Note... it is your
picture that sells your item ... ie, the better the picture ...
- save
it as a .JPEG /
.JPG file
- scan it for viruses
- send
an email
stating: (please
do not apply any formatting. Petlins reserve the right to not
publish your listing and no refund will be made IF formatting is made
to the text in your email. You have been asked...)
- set a
selling price
- give a brief
description of the item, if it includes
accessories, etc., NO formatting
of text
- your
contact details
(e.g., phone 9736 1501 between 10 and
4 on Thursday, email contact, mobile etc)
- attach the photo file
to your email
- send
it off to ...
- Please allow around 7
days from cleared payment for your item to appear in the gallery
- NOTE ... this applies per item to be sold. Two items = two listing fees etc.
- We publish the
contents of your email as supplied to Petlins
arrange a deposit of $15 per item, $5 per additional picture
to ...
Petlins ---
--- BSB: 032069 --- Account number: 730649
This deposit may
done online (use reference of Surname and phone
number) or at a Westpac branch.
To the seller
payment will entitle you to have your picture
included in Petlins Online Gallery for a period of up to three (3)
months. If, during this time, your item sells, please advise Petlins
and your item will be removed. Remember, the sale is between you and
your customer.
Petlins take no part in the transaction.
To the buyer
an item on Petlins Online Gallery has a phone / email
contact, it indicates this is a private sale. You need to
contact the seller directly by the method given. Any transaction is
between you and the seller.
Petlins take no part in the sale ......
caveat emptor.